Lawn mowing can be a tedious task. Luckily there are a lot of machines, all with different strengths and disadvantages to help you with your lawn mowing tasks. In this article, we will be discussing the various types of lawn mowers available in the market for you to choose from.
These lawn mowers have different price points and provide optimal performance in different conditions. Which mower will work best for you will totally depend on the type of lawn you have and your personal preferences. So without wasting any more time, let us have a quick look at the different types of mowers available for you in the market.
Though there are a lot of different designs available for you to choose from, general lawn mowers can be broadly classified into three groups depending on the power and build. They are:
Handheld mowers:
These are the general types of mowers that are used in most residences. They work excellently on small lawns and garden areas. These mowers can be of different shapes, builds and sizes but the main essence is that you must control the mower yourself and walk along with the mower. These mowers are great in comparatively smaller lawns as they are cheap and very easy to maneuver. They can be further classified into different types such as the hovering mower, petrol, robotic, etc.
The cutting decks featured in this type of mower are generally small and these mowers are not a good idea for bigger lawns. They normally run on petrol or diesel and sometimes are also battery operated. These mowers generally lack a ton of features that more advanced mowers have but again, due to their affordable price, they make a decent option for most small applications.
Riding Mowers:
Quite different from regular handheld mowers, riding mowers are generally more powerful mowers designed specifically for bigger lawns. They are bulkier and generally more powerful than regular handheld mowers because as the name suggests, you can ride these mowers and thus there is no need for you to walk behind the mower.
This is a good feature to have if you are looking for a mower for large enough lawns. The mowers themselves come loaded with a ton of great features. They have very wide cutting decks and also have additional features like mulching, bagging etc. they are used by a lot of professional mowers for both residential and commercial uses. The additional features that riding mowers generally feature help it give your lawn a smooth and professional finish.
Although one drawback with riding mowers is that they become very hard to maneuver in small spaces and thus are not the best options for smaller lawns. This is where zero turn mowers excel.
Zero Turn Mowers:
Zero Turn mowers have found widespread use in recent times across different types of spaces. They come in all shapes and sizes and are used for residential and commercial purposes alike. These mowers work best under extreme pressure and are probably the most sophisticated types of mowers out there.
The key feature of zero turn mowers is the zero turn radius, meaning that they can turn on spot without having to steer back and forth unlike riding mowers. Other than that, it shares all other features with riding mowers. Althug, under general circumstances, unlike riding mowers, zero turn mowers don’t perform well on slopes. They also have a higher price point than regular mowers but we feel that is justified due to all the features it provides.
In this article, we have discussed the various types of riding mowers available in the market. Hopefully you’ll find this article helpful in buying a new lawn mower for yourself.